Posts Tagged ‘ jurta refurbish ’

Putting together the new jurta door

April 10, 2012

Last winter, my husband built a new door and frame for the jurta.  The primary requirement was that it would easily break down for transport, unlike the red and black doors,which were transported in one piece.  The construction was inspired by a yurt door design in “Yurta: a Central Asian Nomad’s Hearth and Home”, a video produced as part of a kirghiz yurt exhibit at the Mingei International Museum in San Diego in 1997. In…

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Jurta Refurbishing–A New Roof Ring

February 6, 2012

We haven’t had to do a lot of repairs to the jurta since my husband and I build it in 2000 despite a near catastrophic accident several years ago when the tension band gave out after the yurt was fully set up.  That resulted in a roof ring splitting out and a few broken ties on the jurta walls.  We repaired the roof ring with strapping tape.  Believe it or not, that repair held, ugly…

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