After I cut the linen warp off the loom and cut the towels apart, I hand washed and air-dried one of the towels to see how it would react. That came out well, so I screwed up the courage to throw all the towels in the washing and drying machines. They came out well! The weave and the fiber relaxed into a nice drapey hand.
Next step was to press them and hand hem them. I’m about half way through the hemming and loving out this project turned out.
- The warp chains hanging from the loom.
- The reed after being sleyed with the linen warp.
- This picture shows the linen warp after having been sleyed, threaded and tied to the warp beam.
- The loom-controlled lace pattern begins to emerge on the first towel.
- The pattern on the second towel.
- The pattern on the third towel.
- The pattern on the fourth towel
- The pattern on the fifth towel.
- The last towel.
- The loom at the end of the linen warp.
- The finished linen towels after weaving, washing,drying, pressing and hemming.
Ready to try linen singles yet?