Kaftan cloth completed

November 26, 2011

Kaftan cloth completed.

Weaving the kaftan cloth turned out to be so much more challenging than I anticipated due to underestimating how much time I would need to complete the project, but I also underestimated the physical toll that sitting at the loom for so many hours/days would take on me.

There are so many “firsts” for me, though,and I learned so much, that I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.

  • First time skeining yarn from a cone.  (Yeah, I know.)
  • First time I hand-dyed yarn for weaving.
  • First time weaving my own design.
  • First time using this size yarn and this sett.
  • First time really working through sett issues by sampling.
  • First time really *needing* help to get through the dying, measuring the warp, sleying and threading.
  • First time winding onto to card board pirns.
  • First time winding onto the pirn  from a skein swift, with wool yarn that had been ‘worked’.
  • First time using my new Bluster Bay end feed low profile shuttle.

I”m really happy and proud of what I accomplished (with awesome help from my friends).  I can’t wait to see it turned into the kaftan.


One Response to Kaftan cloth completed

  1. John Patten
    January 9, 2012 at 10:55 pm


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