Finished up the linen weaving project tonight. Seven loom-controlled-lace towels complete! They are cut apart, the edges sewn and ready to be washed tomorrow.
After that I’ll hem them by hand and they will be ready to use.
Its hard to believe that this project was started just a week ago. What a fast, fun experience. I really enjoyed weaving with linen and I can’t wait to do another project. So many plans in my head!
Toward the end, I was having some tension issues with some of the linen threads. I suspect this was due to the loom controlled lace and the differing rates of take up.
Additionally, I had an issue with the selvage on the left side for one of the towels. I believe that the treadling was stressing those threads. When I switch to throwing the shuttle from the opposite on that treadle, the problem magically cleared up. Weirdness!