I have a new loom! Isn’t she beautiful? I’m starting a new project! I’m giddy with excitement! Keep reading to learn more about what I’m up to.
Contains articles related to viking rus research and exploration.
How would you like to know what’s on my loom right now? August was an insanely busy month for me both professionally and personally. My focus was simply surviving and trying not to drop too many balls. Sadly, the big floor loom was naked for all of that month. An air of reproachfulness emanated from the loom room as she doesn’t like being undressed. Good thing that room has a door that can be closed. But,…
Yesterday, I pulled the Rus kaftan cloth off the loom. There is something so lovely about an armful of handwoven yardage. I prepped the cloth for wet finished by pulling out the float warps (I use fishing line), checking for snags, and snipping off loose threads. I cut a piece off to save for my weaving notebook and tossed the entire lot into the washing machine. A few of might be horrified to know…
I am so pleased to have completed the weaving of the Rus kaftan cloth warp. Started back in April, this cloth posed unexpected challenges and new learning opportunities. The finished woven length is 11 and 2/3 yards. I had hoped to make 12 yards even, but that was not to be as one of the sheds became too narrow to throw even my low profie shuttle through it. Through out the weaving, I consistantly struggled…