Monthly Archives: June 2013

Iron Age Finnish Mantle – Pattern draft and warping the loom

June 13, 2013

The Finnish mantle warp is on the loom and I’m ready to start weaving!  Here are all the details on that process or you can skip over that part and go straight for the weaving eye candy as I have a largish gallery of photos documenting the process.

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Taming the Savage Selvage.

June 8, 2013

I wrote this tutorial back in 2008 and thought  that I should share this trick for weaving nice selvages on narrow woven bands, whether inkle or tablet with all of you.  I was shown this method by a good friend and it instantly improved the look of my woven products.

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Loom waste

June 2, 2013

One of the things you should probably do when you get a new loom is figure out how much loom waste it generates. Loom waste, also called “thrums” is the unwoven yarn left over from a weaving project. It is the yarn used to tie the project to both the front and back beams, as well as the portion of yarn its simply impossible to weave due to the shed being too small through which…

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